This describes mlm leads, mlm leads prospecting and the use of 3-way calls for closing your mlm leads during your prospecting call. Here are several tips for making 3-way calls when your upline is not available.

I read a MLM forum post last week posted about how a distributor was 3-way call your mlm leadsreluctant to 3-way her mlm leads prospect into her sponsor for fear of direct recruitment by the sponsor if/when the sponsor or the distributor moved to a new company.

If ever you’re reluctant to 3-way into your upline for whatever reason.. or you just want a way to leverage 3-way calling when your upline is not available for calls, please know that there are ways that you can use 3-way calls without the upline support. Here are a few examples of how to do that:

* Instead of using 3-way calls for mlm leads prospecting, record a testimonial there locally, then play it back to your prospects over the phone. Anytime a happy distributor or customer calls, ask if you can record the call. Put your phone on speaker and pull out your audio recorder, then record the audio. Later when you’re in need of 3rd party validation, play the audio testimonial into the phone conversation for your prospect to hear. This method is easy to do and works great without having to involve an upline on a 3-way call.

* Create a library of testimonials. In my early days of Body Wise International, the company provided us with a library of recorded testimonials of people from various walks of life. In the event we were prospecting an athlete, we might pull out the body builder testimonial. The testimonial was 2-part. First it talked about the product. Then it talked about the business. So if your prospect was an athlete only interested in the products, you played the product testimonial. If the athlete was interested in the business, we might play both testimonials. Likewise if the prospect was a doctor, we would play testimonials from other doctors.

* Use voicemail trees with testimonials. I created a voicemail tree on my upline’s voicemail system. His phone service allowed him to have multiple voicemail boxes. When the upline sponsor was unavailable for a 3-way call, he would let the call go to voicemail. There the prospect and I could make a selection to hear the upline’s testimonial. After the testimonial, I allowed the prospect to choose another voicemail box to hear other testimonials. The prospect could hear from athletes, millionaires, stay-home moms, and physicians. This worked great because the prospect could get as much validation as they wanted immediately from the voicemail testimonials.

* Create short video testimonials from your sales team. Have a variety of people with a variety of product/service results and business results record their testimonials. Put these videos on YouTube so that you can readily access them via your smartphone or desktop computer during your prospecting. Whether you’re prospecting person/person or long distance, you’ll always have access to the video testimonials.

National MLM Leads

These sorts of simple marketing systems can work great in your daily prospecting. Instead of telling the story yourself, let other distributors tell the story for you.

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This article described mlm leads, mlm leads prospecting and the use of 3-way calls for closing your mlm leads during your prospecting call. Try some of these marketing techniques with your mlm leads prospecting today.